Beauty is More Than Skin Deep

I love talking to women to learn how they express their best self through creativity, relationships and being in the world in their unique way. This summer I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Anne Kearny Cooke, who shares my interest in helping women vitalize their relationship with themselves: body and soul. I share this interesting video by Dr. Cooke about beauty and self, and encourage you to watch (about 6 minutes) if you want to learn the powerful secret of a healthy body image.

Is that what you expected? Check in with yourself and ask---how did you feel as you realized the ingredients in the patch? Did you feel amazed, angry, curious, relieved?

I want to tell you, it is possible. It is possible to discover that you already contain everything you need to heal and accept yourself. It is possible to recover from emotional wounds that have been festering for too long in your life. It is possible to change how you view yourself and live in the world with deep peace, vitality and balance.

Here are a few things to consider to begin invigorating acceptance and love for yourself:

  • Observe, speak and write 3 things a day that you love about yourself, inside and out - what we practice we strengthen.

  • Practice accepting compliments without adding a negative statement. For example, simply say "Thanks" instead of "Thanks, but [some reason to negate the compliment]". This allows the possibility of your greatness to settle in the brain.

  • Notice good things in other people and tell them. Sharing affirmations strengthens relationships and increases positive flow of hormones.

  • Grab a thought when you put yourself down about anything and replace it immediately with a positive truth. This can help re-wire the brain to be more positive over time.

Remember, you are the change that you seek. If you want to feel more beautiful, loving, involved, creative— start thinking and acting as if you are already there!



Apple of My Eye


Love is the Answer