Moving Towards Our Goals
Movement © 2023, Sandra Carey
“I want to be a ballerina!” In a fit of inspiration, this was my confident nine-year-old declaration to my grandmother. In her wisdom and authenticity, she said “Will you do what it takes?” I was shocked! How could it be that my dreams wouldn’t come true just because I dreamed them! Even at that age, I also knew that, no, I wouldn’t do what it takes to become a prima ballerina, so I moved on to the next thing that got my attention. But those words continue to guide me into adulthood.
I identify as a Highly Sensitive Person so it is in my nature to dream up a myriad of great ideas! I am profoundly curious and get excited over the possibility of projects and creations. I have noticed a consistent pattern throughout my lifetime with all my “great ideas.” For many dreams, aspirations, and hopes, if I just “went for it” without playing it forward or being accountable. In those experiences I either failed heartily or just didn’t get very far and quit. This is true for learning the guitar, working in marketing (18 of the longest months of my life), a particularly long marathon without proper training, an ill-advised relationship, and a handful of art projects tossed into the trash.
There have been other times when I have really considered a long-term (or even short-term) strategy, gotten mentorship, and worked at certain goals one step at a time until I reached some sense of success. These have included mastering the piano, improving and placing as a master’s athlete, learning to grow my passion as a therapist, and strengthening the important relationships in my life. The dreams that I worked on intentionally, on purpose, and doing what it takes, has led to some of my life’s greatest fulfillment.
Moving Towards Our Goals
Midway through 2023, this can be a good time to look at any goals, aspirations or dreams that you had just six months ago.
A few questions to ponder:
What is working for you?
What is moving in the direction you intended?
What dreams or plans haven’t taken off?
Which of those do you want to release and which to you want to reassess?
I believe it is never too late to move in the direction of our dreams. Whether it is something tangible like learning about a specific subject, improving our personal connections, or mastering a new skill (I’m learning sign language right now). Here are some ideas about how to make plans to reach your goals.
Make Goals that are Clear and Specific
Writing down your goals helps to focus your intention and create a path for moving towards your goal.
Make a Plan
Once you have set your goals, create a plan of action with specific steps to reach each goal.
Break it Down
Chunk your plan into small actions that you can take daily or weekly. Sometimes working backwards from the desired outcome date can help bring clarity in how to get there.
Be Accountable
Find ways to check in on your progress. I am a huge fan of mentors, coaches, and supportive loved ones to ask me how I’m doing towards my serious goals. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who encourage you to succeed.
Be Consistent
Repeating a behavior or pattern is a must to create the relationships and accomplishments you aim for. Develop a routine by setting aside time every day to work towards your goals.
Celebrate Your Achievements
Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem! It helps to boost motivation and confidence!
Learn from What has Not Worked
The journey towards your goals may not always lead to the outcomes you intend. Get curious about any setbacks and use any insights to help you grow and improve.
If you need any help clarifying what is most important to work towards, or need support in learning through unfulfilled dreams, there is hope. We can help.
Please call the Center for Vitality and Balance at (630) 286-0993 to discuss next best steps on your journey.